Saturday, June 4, 2011

St. Martin's

Meisha wrote, "Only about half of st. Martin's survived the bombings in the 40's. There are several memorial plaques there to honor both the British and German soldiers who died in the attack on the church. A man who was looking at the church at the same time as I was marveled aloud at the need for more of the kind of humanity that recognizes itself even in its enemies. We had a long discussion about the period when he worked for a US company that specialized in military contracts and he spoke very highly of the way the company's leaders conducted themselves with humility. I said I hoped that this kind of leadership was coming back into style in the US. He mentioned that our president is a good role model for just the kind of leadership he had admired in his former bosses and I was happy to agree. It's easy to forget how poorly Bush represented us on the world stage."

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