Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Ceiling with Bosses

Also of particular interest to Meisha are the bosses on the ceiling. She is hoping to find ones that uniquely represent scenes that can be linked to the Mary plays among the N Town Plays. As our tour was breaking up, she went about photographing some of them and I stayed back talking to the guide, who we later learned was Dr. Michael Honeybone, a retired college professor. Our conversation eventually swung around to our mutual interest in eighteenth century American history. While he was explaining the British perspective regarding the Boston Tea Party, I observed strategic parallels to the modern Tea Party and we expressed our mutual pleasure at the fact that the Supreme Court has upheld the vast majority of the health care plan. Suddenly the conversation turned to our purposes in being in Norwich Cathedral and I explained what I could about Meisha’s research. His delight was evident as we rush over to where she was and he explained to her that there was a CD with all the bosses photographed up close. But when he led us to the gift show and asked about the CD, we were told that they had been sold out long ago. At that point he invited us to get a cup of tea (I bought a ginger beer with chilies in it) while he ran off to pick up his own copy to lend to Meisha for her research. He told her she could keep it until she no longer needed it and gave us his address so she could mail it back. We are so very impressed with the friendliness of the Brits.

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