Thursday, May 26, 2011

York Mystery Plays: Words and Images

Meisha had made reservations so that we could attend "York Mystery Plays: Words and Images" held at Bedern Hall. Here's what the York Press said of it this morning: The York Guilds and Companies are to mark the 60th anniversary of the revival of the York Mystery Plays with an evening of celebration at Bedern Hall on Wednesday. York Mystery Plays: Words and Images will combine archive film footage and photographs with readings, and the 7.30pm gathering is preceded by an immediate call for memorabilia for the event. Images from the earliest productions of the plays – both on a fixed stage and on wagons – are to be displayed, as are the official photographs of the 1954 production by York photographer Will Acton, courtesy of Paul Acton with the assistance of Peter Stanhope. Readings of the words of those who revived the plays as part of York’s contribution to the 1951 Festival of Britain will be included, along with archive footage from the Yorkshire Film Archive showing behind the scenes at the 1951 and 1954 performances." We met a very pleasant couple there who were telling us all about York.

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