Saturday, July 7, 2012

Parade in Norwich

Heading back into Norwich to see the stained glass museum was rather challenging because the city was having a significant celebration today. We lucked out and found some free parking just outside the ring and walked our way through the winding street to the Museum which was housed in St. Peter at Hungate. The display was modest but free. On our way back we decided to get a goodie and a drink. I must look like and easy mark because while we sat outside the shop in a little café area a woman came up and begged off me a pound, which she used in the same shop. She thanked me a second time on the way out. We did a little shopping on our way back to the car but soon realized that our path was blocked by what we would discover was a parade route. Who knows, maybe they were celebrating the fact that we were there. Fortunately, Norwich has a few underground walk ways to get to the other side of the ring. This picture was taken on the other side. Before look we were back on the road and without the help of Margery (the GPS), we were soon on the Ipswich Road back to Hardwick.

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