Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Away We Go Again

And so we are off to York again, this time with an entourage.  Nancy, Everett and Aldon will be going with us.  The purpose for this part of the trip is to witness reenactments of some of the Corpus Christi plays.  Every four years several of the plays are performed live in various locations in the city, not necessarily where they were done originally.  It just so happened that this was to occur the Sunday before Meisha was to attend a conference of the New Chaucer Society in Reykjavik, Iceland, where she is to be one of the presenters.  So we fly out of JFK tomorrow, Thursday, July 10, 2014, heading for Heathrow via Reykjavik.  We've rented a car to take us to York.  We should arrive sometime late Friday afternoon.  We leave York on Monday, drive back to Heathrow and take a flight back to Reykjavik.  Dave will join us on Tuesday.  We all head home on Tuesday, July 22.

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