Saturday, June 11, 2011


We made it back to York. Cambridge was good (although I like York better :)). Tonight we are going to see a play called My Family and Other Animals at the Theatre Royale. The meeting with Marilynn was good and she and her husband and Dave got on as well as I had hoped, considering their very difference senses of humor. : ) Yesterday in Cambridge we went to a museum of the History of Science which was really interesting and Marilynn got us into King's College Chapel, which has incredible sculpture, fan vaults in the ceiling, Henry VIII stained glass and a Rubens painting of the Adoration of the Magi. Before we did all of this, of course we walked in a big circle as we tried to go from our bed & breakfast to the center of town. That part wasn't so much fun, but we saw a lot of the River Cam and its inhabitants on the way, and we made it to town eventually. We spent most of the day just walking all over town and then after we ate dinner we headed back to the B&B. Dave is doing well with the jet lag so far. We saw lots of "glamorous ladies" (as one passenger called them) and some less glamorous ones get off in York with us, but hopefully they won't be too loud tonight and Dave can keep up with his new sleep schedule.

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