Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Bags Are Packed And I'm Ready to Go

By 10:00 (York time) I was on my way back to London. The train was very crowded and I had to stand all the way, which I didn't really mind because I knew I would be a lot of sitting before the over long day was over. Upon reaching London I grabbed a little lunch at a Portuguese places called Nando's before hopping on the underground to get to Heathrow. My flight wasn't until 17:15 (that's 5:15pm) so I had a bit of a wait but reading The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England kept me occupied. Other than a little more turbulence than usual, the flight was uneventful. We arrived on time and by 9:00 Art had picked me up and we were on our way. He dropped me off at my in-laws where Nancy was waiting to take me the rest of the way home. We arrived at 1:00am, which would be 5:00am York time.
Meanwhile back in York Meisha was slaving away in the Explore Centre.

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