Wednesday, June 8, 2011

St. Michael-le-Belfrey's

I stayed in Tuesday the morning to collect my thoughts about meeting with Marilynn (my mentor), get ready for the visit to Cambridge and decide what I should and could do these last two days to get as much of my work-related activity out of the way before Dave arrives. I noticed that I could take a tour of the stained-glass restoration workshop on Wednesday if I made a reservation, so I'm signed up for that, and one of the last churches I'd like to see is also only open on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I'll go visit that one tomorrow too (St. Mary Bishophill Jr.). Today I tried to get inside St. Olave's, but there was some fancy function going on, so I went over to St. Michael-le-Belfrey's again and they were open luckily. I took pictures of the stained glass, which is original to the current version of the building, built in the mid 16th century.

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