Monday, June 13, 2011

Dave Demonstrating How to Look Dapper on the City Walls

Today we went to the Jorvik Centre and it was very cool. They have a glass floor in one section to show the simulated excavated dirt underneath with examples of the types of objects they found, like knife blades, amber, bones, pottery shards, oyster shells, jewelry and metal slag. The next section was a ride you get on that takes you through a replica of the Viking settlement with house interiors and workers making leather goods or metal objects, etc. That part was especially fascinating. Then there are extensive displays about the way things were made. We got a coin made in the method of the Vikings: They have a mold for each side of the coin, a metal disk is put between them and the coinmaker hits the "metal sandwich" with a hammer to imprint the coin.

After Jorvik we started to walk the city walls. We went part of the way and then stopped at Goji, a vegetarian restaurant, for lunch. The food was delicious and so were their house teas. I had the mushroom burger and Dave had the Indian platter. We continued on the wall and finished the route. On our way back into town we met one York resident who was a little too friendly. By his own estimation he had "had a few" but we wager it was much more than a few. He was very difficult to understand, between his accent and his slurred speech, and he shook both of our hands several times as he walked down the sidewalk with us, talking about his girlfriend and a horse at the local track that he had "a few pennies on." He also warned us about pickpockets and assured us that he wasn't one, which only made us more suspicious, but we eventually extricated ourselves, with our wallets intact, when he found another open bar to go into. :)

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