Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Rather than waste your time with the story of the fiasco of mowing the hay field we try to call a lawn, here is what Meisha writes about her day: "I went to the University of York's Center for Medieval Studies (which is actually in the city at the King's Manor, next to the Art Museum) this morning to ask the secretary to put me on their E-mail list and she printed out a schedule of events for me as well. She let me know that the event going on this afternoon was open to the public, which was cool because it was about space. So I walked right to the bus stop and got on a bus headed for the University. Once there, the building wasn't too hard to find, with the help of the campus map. The first picture is of the Berrick Saul Building, where the symposium was held, and the second picture is specifically of the building's lecture hall (from the outside of course, with some nice bright red coral bells in the foreground.) The event was listed as a Graduate Student Seminar, which to me means a course for grad students, but it was actually a grad student symposium or conference that went from 2-5pm, with 6 speakers. It was called 'Holy Space and the Senses,' so it was right up my alley and very interesting. I got some interesting ideas and introduced myself to two people to whom I gave my card (thanks, Dad, fort making the cards!)."

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